Two questions

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Tue Apr 4 21:48:12 EDT 2000

Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
> Bjorn Pettersen wrote:
> > 
> [bobbit]
> > 
> > If you want to package up your program into an exe and execute it,
> > Installer from Gordon's starship pages can do this
> > (  It's actually
> > _much_ easier than it looks ;-)
> > 

It's not widely known, but it blows chunks if you have Mayan 
glyphs on your machine. That's a feature.
> <g>  This sounds like the right course to me.  I'd like to force
> customers to install Python on their machines, but my boss doesn't think
> that's all that great an idea (dunno why).  My only concern is
> size--just how big are the executables produced by Gordon's
> flummery^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hmagic?

If you get creative (about a dozen lines of code) you can install 
a fully functional Python in 2 files. You can put Python and 
IDLE on a floppy with room left over.
> Well, that's two recommendations.  And judging from previous Marc-Andre
> packages I've used, it'll be a snap.

At the moment, you'll have a bit of trouble with my stuff and 
the fact that Marc-Andre puts his .pyds inside the packages. 
There are workarounds, and I have a patch from Thomas Heller 
which I haven't finished reconciling to some of my other 
> Steve Holden, in another post, said that Tkinter should work fine along
> with mxODBC.  That's a relief, but does anyone have direct personal
> experience with doing so?
> <floccinausinihilipilification>-ly y'rs,
> Ivan

Are you describing your hairline, your nervous twitch, or the 
effect of the latter on your former?

- Gordon

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