errors in _del__ during python shutdown

Michael Hudson mwh21 at
Mon Apr 3 12:25:47 EDT 2000

gidi_avrahami at writes:

> I have a large Python system with wrappers to some SWIG'ed C code.
> Some objects need to do some cleanup in their __del__ , e.g.:
> from myBasics import Object
> import myCToolkit
> kit = myCToolkit
>     class SomeObject(Object):
>         def __init__(self, *args):
>             Object.__init__(self, *args)
>             self._vec = kit.float_array(6)
>         def __del__(self):
>             kit.float_destroy(self._vec)
>             Object.__del__(self)
> My problem is that when I shut python down (by typing EOF to the prompt), the
> SomeObject.__del__ method gets called in a funny state, where 'kit' and even
> 'Object' are None!  It would appear that Python is "winding down" and starts
> killing off modules, even though some objects that refer to these modules
> are still alive.
> Any ideas?

Do this:

        def __del__(self,kit=kit,Object=Object):

must be a FAQ, but I can't be bothered to track the entry down just
now, sorry.


well, take it from an old hand: the only reason it would be easier
to program in C is that you can't easily express complex  problems
in C, so you don't.                 -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp

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