Compiling Python Imaging under LinuxPPC

effbot at effbot at
Thu Apr 13 06:28:43 EDT 2000

William F. Adams wrote:
> When I attempt to compile the Sketch .src.rpm, the compilation
> fails because Imaging.h is not where it's supposed to be.
> I ddin't see much in the way of documentation with the
> .src.rpm for PIL, sorry.

RPM?  the official PIL distribution is a .tar.gz file, available
from  last time I checked, it definitely came
with both a README and an Imaging.h file.  if you have a source
RPM that doesn't include those files, complain to whoever pre-
pared that file, and get the original distribution.


but it sounds like your real problem is with the Sketch application.
did you see the PIL-specific notes in the Sketch installation guide?
it says:

  Tne point not mentioned in the PIL installation instructions are the
  headerfiles (.h files). For easier configuration of Sketch I recommend
  to install the files the following files found the libImaging
  subdirectory into a directory under the Python include directory:

     ImConfig.h  ImPlatform.h  Imaging.h

  (e.g. if your Python include directory is /usr/include/python1.5, put
  them into /usr/include/python1.5/Extensions)


  $ cd Imaging-1.0
  $ mkdir /usr/include/python1.5/Extensions
  $ cp libImaging/Im*.h /usr/include/python1.5/Extensions

it's likely that PIL 1.1 will do this for you, but as of 1.0,
you have to copy the files yourself.


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