About Zope`s FTP-server
thomas at cintra.no
Thu Apr 27 09:57:01 EDT 2000
Just logged into the running ftp-server running with Zope. Am I inside
a database suddenly? I tried to locate the "control_panel" folder
listed in the ftp-client I used inside the Zope-installation dir, but
no. Then I tried to create a folder and look for it, nowhere to be
found. But my database inside Zope was bigger. This is fine and nice
for small pics and html-stuff, but I want to upload pickled objects
that can be several megabytes in size, then have a Zope-like or
Zope-integrated method store them in some database, NOT gadfly, cuz
the info is so huge. What then? If all I upload end up inside a
database my question is; can that database, I guess it`s gadfly,
handle it? If not, can I store uploaded stuff someother way, outside
the database?
I`d like to have users connect to the zope ftp-server, logging into a
area set up especially for that user, similar to ordinary ftp-servers.
This area would have to be available to other python-methods, either
thru that darn database-thingy or some other way. The access-control
has to be maintained too. Each user has one user-area that user can
access and not, at least no write/delete etc. access, to other areas.
Am I making any sense??!
The bottom line is; can the built-in stuff handle huge amounts of
data, spew it out quickly and in case of disaster, can the data be
restored easily?
Thanks. I`ll go take my medication now. ;->
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