ANN: PyStream - a C++ stream emulation

Neil Hodgson neilh at
Wed Aug 23 21:48:30 EDT 2000

> Given that 1.6 and 2.0 are virtually 100.0% backward compatible, how do
> these new constructs actually hurt anybody?  If anything, aren't the
> programs that _use_ the new constructs--not the new interpreter that
> provides them--the problem?  (But I'll bet you a dollar you won't write
> "x = x + 1" very often once you've got "x += 1". ;-)

   You may be right there - we'll see. Adding to and subtracting from a
number are very common so some feature to achieve this would be OK. I think
Modula got this right with increment and decrement procedures, called "Inc"
and "Dec" IIRC.

> i've-never-found-myself-inclined-to-write-C-when-i-was-using-a-C++
>    -compiler-<wink>-ly y'rs,

   But I have found myself writing Perl as if it was Python.


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