thread, threading, mutex modules and non-threading interpreters

Tripp Lilley tripp at
Fri Aug 25 02:02:20 EDT 2000

In the process of work on pieces of my library, I'm considering
thread-safety issues (though I'm not doing anything about them yet :) ).
Specifically, I wonder if it's possible to use thread and threading's
various Lock mechanisms and have them "do the right thing", regardless
of whether or not I'm running under a threading interpreter?

The mutex module says that it doesn't depend on threads, but thread and
threading say nothing about how they behave under a non-threading
interpreter. Is it possible to make a "thread-aware", thread-safe module
that doesn't /depend/ on threads?


Tripp Lilley * tripp at *
"This whole textual substitution thing is pissing me off.
 I feel like I'm programming in Tcl."

- Eric Frias, former roommate, hacking partner extraordinaire

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