Pronouncing Python [was Re: CP4E Video]

Ruud de Rooij * at
Thu Aug 3 13:47:38 EDT 2000

m.faassen at (Martijn Faassen) writes:

> I started out pronouncing it like the snake, in Dutch. This knowing
> full well it isn't named after the snake, but it just came out easier
> that way. That's 'peetohn'.
> Before I went to the Python conference last january I started to train
> myself so I'd say something at least resembling the way English speakers
> pronounce it, and by now the transition to a Dutch-accented American
> variety is complete.

So now it's 'pie-tohn', then?  ;-)

	- Ruud de Rooij.
ruud de rooij | * |

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