why isn't python more popular?

bowman bowman at montana.com
Mon Aug 14 02:17:01 EDT 2000

Thomas Wouters <thomas at xs4all.net> wrote in message
news:20000814153301.Q14470 at xs4all.nl...
> Python is a lot more like C, except for the indentation thing. And if you
> wish, you can use washboard-using women (#{ and #}) in addition to the
> indentations, to make it much more like C. Python has largely the same
> symbols and operators (and semantics, for basic types) as C, whereas Perl
> binds as much as three or four different meanings to the same character.

that's why I keep get error messages about !, +=, ++, --, and switch
when I use Python after a stint of C.

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