python calling python

François Pinard pinard at
Tue Aug 22 20:53:28 EDT 2000

[Alex Martelli]

> A fine touch might include:

> def main(args=sys.argv):
>     # whatever

I tried many styles for this, and finally decided that the most useful
idiom might be:

    def main(*arguments):
       import getopt
       options, arguments = getopt.getopt(...)
       for option, value in options:
       # rest of programs with arguments...


    if __name__ == '__main__':
        apply(main, sys.argv[1:])

so I use it almost identically in all my programs.  From another module,
one could just use:

    module.main(OPTION, OPTION..., ARGUMENT, ARGUMENT...)

passing strings for each.

François Pinard

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