Licensing Status of Python 1.5

Pat McCann thisis at
Fri Aug 18 02:53:26 EDT 2000

"Tim Peters" <tim_one at> writes:

> [Pat McCann <thisis at>]
> > If I had no MyPython before I saw the CWI license, I wouldn't I be in
> > the same situation after it was revoked?
> If this line has any value at all, I expect it varies from case to case.
> For example, my former employer embedded Python in some products.  If their
> license were to be revoked, they would certainly suffer financial damage,
> and "placing the other side in the same situation in which he stood before
> he entered on its execution" should at least mean compensating them for the
> expenses they incurred in deploying Python.

Good point, as usual.

(Re my bogus ID: The day I have to post with my real ID is the day I
become read-only.  (It already keeps me off mailing lists.)  I don't
like the idea that someone can easily browse every stupid thing I've
written at 2 AM, etc.  I assume anyone who really wants to know who I am
can figure it out, but I hope it won't work the other way easily.  No 
need to call me a coward; I know it already.)

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