Python 2.0 and Stackless

Paul Duffin pduffin at
Mon Aug 14 06:24:01 EDT 2000

Courageous wrote:
> > It's just that every time I've ever tried to understand any piece of
> > code that _uses_ call/cc, my brain has dumped core with a stack overflow
> > error :)
> I can imagine that! The thing about continuations is that they are
> ideal for experimenting with alternate control flow methodologies.
> This enables labrynthine write-only code that the only person on
> earth who can possibly understand it is the author. :)

If that is the case then Dijkstra would probably say the same thing about 
continuations as he did about goto ;-)

That does not mean of course that they are not useful building blocks for
more 'structured' mechanisms just like goto is.

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