WIN32 DBM help needed

John Blacker jcblacker at
Wed Aug 2 16:11:55 EDT 2000

I'm trying to work my way through various examples in Mark Lutz's book
"Programming Python" and have hit a snag with dbm.  Specifically, if I
simply import anybdm and then open a file, no problem.  However, if I run, or which open an existing, supplied
"shelve", I get the following:

<person.Person instance at 7fbca0>
('bob', 'psychologist', 70000, 17500.0)
(35, 40) 10000.0
('howard', '', 0, 0.0)
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "", line 20, in ?
    dbase ='cast')          # make a shelve (dbm) file called
  File "D:\Program Files\Python\Lib\", line 152, in open
    return DbfilenameShelf(filename, flag)
  File "D:\Program Files\Python\Lib\", line 142, in __init__
    Shelf.__init__(self,, flag))
  File "D:\Program Files\Python\Lib\", line 85, in open
    mod = __import__(result)
ImportError: No module named dbm

So, thinking that I don't have any dbm (or gdbm) support, I downloaded a lib
called which I retrieved from , unzipped it and copied
it to my Python "libs" directory.  Then I retrieved a port of the GDBM 1.7.3
Python support module and put it's gdbm.pyd file in the Python\DLLs
directory.  The examples still don't work, nor does the ""
example.  I can perform an "import gdbm" but not "import dbm", thus the
fail.  Can someone help me untangle this mess?

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