Python 2.0 and Stackless

Robin Becker robin at
Fri Aug 4 19:09:48 EDT 2000

In article <bld7joah8z.fsf at>, Jeremy Hylton
<jeremy at> writes

I find this response rather conservative. JPython is not Python,
stacklessness + continuations and the like are semantic not
implementation issues. Python & java are direct competitors; GvR should
take the technical high ground wherever and whenever possible.

>The official word: 
>We will not be merging Stackless Python before the Python 2.0 release.
>We have no plans to integrate it after the 2.0 release, but post 2.0
>plans are less definite.
>We would not consider adding Stackless code without a detailed PEP
>that describes the specific changes.  (If you're not familiar with
>PEPs, see
>My personal opinion: 
>I would be surprised if Guido agreed to merge in code from the
>stackless variant before Python 3000.  The biggest problems are
>compatibility with JPython and the effects on the Python C API.
>Neither of these problems are insurmountable, but they are hard.
>When design work begins on Python 3000, I expect an opportunity to
>consider this issue without compatibilty concerns.  
>-- Jeremy Hylton <>

Robin Becker

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