speeding up dictionary creation

idfx idfx at my-deja.com
Fri Aug 18 01:03:12 EDT 2000

In article <399CC5FB.6F4637BD at nowonder.de>,
  Peter Schneider-Kamp <nowonder at nowonder.de> wrote:
> [Bob van der Poel in his original post]
> >
> > it appears to me that when reading/parsing the initial datafile the
> > majority of the time is taken in creating new entries, not in
> > the file. Is there a way to preallocate entries or otherwise speed
> > up. On a short set to data there doesn't seem to be a problem, but
> > the list increases in size the load time goes up in what appears to
> > N^2.

I had a problem a while ago kinda like this.  My solution was also
cPickle.  I also tweaked some extra speed sometimes by using the
dictionary.keys() function, which returns a list, which you can play
with a lot faster.  This also makes incremental updates easier, cuz you
can just search the keyslist for existing data and only have to
actually read and parse and process the part that you have to change...
I got maybe a full 1/3 better speed sometimes, than using the straight
cPickled dictionary, but I dunno if this is at all applicable to your
situation, because my working environment was odd.

('odd' == all elements were strings, and it had to run in a 486 20mHz
machine with a grand total of 2 megs of RAM.  YMMV a lot. )        ;D



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