Python 2.0 and Stackless

Vladimir Marangozov Vladimir.Marangozov at
Sat Aug 5 10:34:01 EDT 2000

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> [me, arguing that an execution stack preserves strict frame
>  ordering, while a graph of frames does not]
> >
> >But it is also a fact that by removing the stack you lose its
> >benefits. So full (functional) compatibility is *not* there.
> I'd grant you the first sentence if I thought stacks *had* any functional
> benefits over graphs. But the only benefit I know of is simplicity at the
> price of reduced functionality. After all, a stack is just a special case
> of a graph.

Are you kidding? What about cycles in the graph?

Does Stackless create a new frame when we jump to an already visited code,
in which case it piles them up by emulating the stack?
(Note: I haven't looked at Christian's code for a while).

If not, would the cycle be eligible for cyclic garbage collection? <wink>

These concerns deserve to be addressed in a PEP!
       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

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