URL redirection problem

namking at my-deja.com namking at my-deja.com
Mon Aug 21 08:30:12 EDT 2000

I am having a problem with the following code - I keep getting a 500
error when I try and load this page.
It is called with "forumhit.html?url=http://forum.london.edu/whatever"
and it should get the "http://forum.london.edu/whatever" bit out and
load that page into the "content" frame. It fails though.

<TITLE>Forum Search Result</TITLE>

if query.has_key("url"): url = query["url"][0]
else: url = ""
<frameset rows="*,52" border = 0>
        <frameset  cols="200,*" border = 0>
src="SubNavigator.html" name="SubNavigator" marginheight=1
src="&$url;" name="Content" marginheight=1 marginwidth=3>
        <frame src="Resources.html"
name="MainNavigator" marginheight=1 marginwidth=1>

Here is the bit of python that sends the url to the framset page. it
appears to work ok, so the problem must be in the code above.

origurl = url
if (url[:24] == 'http://forum.london.edu/'):
    if (url[-4] != 'edu/'):
        url = 'forumhit.html/?url=' + url

can anyone tell me what is wrong?

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