Python 1.6b1 (PYTHONHOME

Armin Steinhoff Armin at Steinhoff_de
Sun Aug 6 15:59:18 EDT 2000

In article <20000806141956.O266 at>, Thomas says...
>On Sun, Aug 06, 2000 at 04:14:33AM -0700, Armin Steinhoff wrote:
>> Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>   <---------------
>> Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]    <---------------
>> Does anyone know what pathes <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>] refer to.
>> I have tried different possible pathes ... but w/o succes.
>'prefix' and 'exec_prefix' refer to the directories Python is installed. By
>default, 'prefix' and 'exec_prefix' are the same: /usr/local. If you
>configured Python without specifying a prefix (ie, no '--prefix=' argument
>to ./configure) that's where Python will try to look for loadable modules
>and the like. If you installed it elsewhere, either run ./configure with the
>right --prefix argument, or set PYTHONPATH to point to the directory Python
>should be using. (For instance, if you installed it in /home/me/python1.6,
>you should set PYTHONPATH to /home/me/python1.6.)

Thanks ... there must be a problem in the port to QNX/Neutrino



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