The Python 1.6 License Explained

Charles Hixson charleshixsn at
Thu Aug 24 11:05:34 EDT 2000

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> ...
>   11.Virginia is one of the few states to have adopted the Uniform
>    Computer Information Transactions Act, and paragraph 7 requires
>    that the license be interpreted under Virginia law.  Is the "click
>    clause" a way to invoke UCITA?
>       CNRI needs a body of law to define what its License means, and,
>       since its headquarters are in Virginia, Virginia law is a
>       logical choice. The adoption of UCITA in Virginia was not a
>       motivating factor. If CNRI didn't require that its License be
>       interpreted under Virginia law, then anyone could interpret the
>       license under very different laws than the ones under which it
>       is intended to be interpreted. In particular in a jurisdiction
>       that does not recognize general disclaimers of liability (such
>       as in CNRI license's paragraphs 4 and 5).
>  ...
> August 23, 2000

I have tremendous problems with UCITA.  I don't think that anyone knows
what it commits one to.  And I have heard quite strange assertions made
about the rights that it gives providers to change the license after one
has agreed to it.  This bothers me considerably.  Lots.  UniCode is
important, but I'm not sure that all the changes together are important
enough.  Until some legal history is established, I'm not sure that they
could be.
-- (c) Charles Hixson
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