changing umask from ftplib

j vickroy jvickroy at
Mon Aug 7 11:49:12 EDT 2000

I am having difficulty using the sendcmd() method of the FTP class in
the ftplib module.  The example that comes with the Python
1.5.2 distribution does not appear to cover this, and I guess I don't
understand the online documentation either.  In any event, this is an

>>> import ftplib
>>> ftp = ftplib .FTP ('the_machine','the_user','the_password')
>>> result = ftp .sendcmd ('umask 113')
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/local/Python-1.5.2_threads_work/Lib/", line 228, in
    return self.getresp()
  File "/local/Python-1.5.2_threads_work/Lib/", line 201, in
    raise error_perm, resp
ftplib.error_perm: 500 'UMASK 113': command not understood.

However, I can issue the command from an ftp session as follows:

230 User the_user logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> umask 113
200 UMASK set to 113 (was 022)

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your time.

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