win32 questions

Thomas Thiele thiele at
Thu Aug 3 13:53:18 EDT 2000

I want to start a new process. And I use win32process.CreateProcess().

1.) is there an (winNT) equivalent to unix' waidpid()?

2.) I do something like that in my main class:

    def StartProcess():
        commandline = A.GetCommandLine()
        .... = win32process.CreateProcess( ....., commandline, .......)
        #process could not be started here, because commandline is not a
valid command
        #ok, it's clear and not the problem

BUT: if I call StartProcess again, I'll get an mysterious errormessage
" pywintypes.api_error(6, 'CloseHandle', 'Die Zugriffsnummer ist nicht
definiert') "
( my nt is in German, I don't know the exact englich message but it must
be something like "the access number is not defined" )
in A.GetCommandline() a totally simple function that only builds a
string (in reality the string is longer) -> before the process is
created (or not) again.....

class A:
    def GetCommandline():
        if self. strng != "foo":    <- error
            outstring = foopath + foocommad

Thanks for any help.


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