gratuitous new features in 2.0

Robin Becker robin at
Fri Aug 25 06:40:50 EDT 2000

As Tim Peters seems to like having the generality of an argument to the
print statement why can't we discuss this? Can I do 

        print >> dingo, items....

where dingo has a write method (perhaps a StringIO instance)? 

How about print >> (dingo, dongo, dango), items.....

Why do we need the first comma? Why no discussion about which operator
was to be overloaded. It seems to me that

        print 1>>x, thing
        print  >>x, thing
are now very close typing wise, but semantically miles apart.

I personally would prefer

        print to filetypething items,......

but no vote is to be taken on this. Perhaps the glorious leadership is
becoming dicatorial.
Robin Becker

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