Python, VC++, and Mingw32

bowman bowman at
Fri Aug 11 09:52:11 EDT 2000

Courageous <jkraska1 at> wrote in message
news:39939451.84D22300 at
> And this was a wise move, IMO. While the free software compilers
> are indeed nice, the single most used cpp compiler under windows
> is, plainly, VC. It's not for the developers of python to evangelize
> anything but python, IMO.

I can understand why Python uses VC and don't have a problem with
that. However, I use Python and other tools across several platforms. I
can take the *nix developement environment with me to Win* or NT via
cygwin, ming32, djgpp, or NutCracker. I cannot take VC into the Linux/AIX

I will admit dl'ing the Python (or Perl, or .....) package for Windows is
less frustrating than trying to line up all the right versions of Python,
wxWindows, and wxPython, get them configured, and running on Linux.

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