[FAQTS] Python Knowledge Base Update -- August 31st, 2000

Fiona Czuczman fiona at sitegnome.com
Thu Aug 31 01:49:25 EDT 2000

Hello All,

Here are the latest entries into http://python.faqts.com

Now that the knowledge base has grown to a substantial number, 773 
entries currently, my contract with FAQTS has ended.  I will still hang 
around, I can't be got rid of that easily :-), and add content and 
maintain the resource (perhaps a little less frequently, sorry :(, if 
others want to help me out in my quest that  would be great.

best regards,

Fiona Czuczman

## Unanswered Questions ########################################

How to "expire" a web page with Python ?
Quynh Nguyen Anh

## New Entries #################################################

Is there any online reference document which summarizes/discusses all Tkinter events?
Fiona Czuczman
Fredrik Lundh

gs.htm briefly describes all important events.

There are more events, but they're either rather obscure, or they don't 
work the same way on all platforms.

How can I convert a gif image to a bitmap representation of it?
Fiona Czuczman
Greg Landrum

I'm not completely sure what you mean by "bitmap representation", but
PIL probably does what you want.  :-)

To convert to a BMP (windows bitmap), you would do:
>>> from Pil import Image
>>> img = Image.open('foo.gif')
>>> img.save('foo.bmp')

If you would rather get a Numeric array with the values from the image:
>>> from Pil import Image
>>> from Numeric import *
>>> img = Image.open('foo.gif')
>>> arr = resize(fromstring(img.tostring(),Int8),img.size)

I hope this helps.

You can find PIL at URL:


Is it possible to get the declaration of the argument-list of any function in the python engine? just like it is possible to get the func_name or doc-string.
Fiona Czuczman
Alex Martelli

Yes; a very good packaging of this you can find in Lemburg's module 
'hack', see http://starship.python.net/crew/lemburg/hack.py.

Don't get put off by the module's name -- it's just a collection of
"tools that I find useful to examine code from inside an interactive
interpreter session", as the author says!

The functionality you want is packaged as part of function
func_sig of this module.

It is, of course, instructive to examine exactly what this function
does.  First of all:

def func_sig(func):
    if hasattr(func,'im_func'):
        func = func.im_func

This takes care of the case where 'func' is not really a function, but
rether a method; in this case, the real function is its attribute 
im_func, so this part "normalizes" this case back to the general case.  

    code = func.func_code
    fname = code.co_name
    callargs = code.co_argcount
    args = code.co_varnames[:callargs]

Now we have the function name (fname), and the arguments' names (args).

With just this part, we can already, in a sense, satisfy your request:

def func_args(func):
    if hasattr(func,'im_func'):
        func = func.im_func
    code = func.func_code
    fname = code.co_name
    callargs = code.co_argcount
    args = code.co_varnames[:callargs]
    return "%s(%s)" % (fname, string.join(args,','))

and now for example:

>>> fa.func_args(string.join)

What we're still missing are the default values of arguments that do
have them -- here, for example, the fact that the 'sep' argument can
be omitted, because it defaults to space.  And also, the ability of
some functions to accept unlimited lists of arguments (the *args form,
and/or **kw for keyword-arguments).  Lemburg goes into slightly deeper
waters to add this information, too...:

    args = list(code.co_varnames[:callargs])

...list, not tuple, because we may want to change some elements...

    if func.func_defaults:
        i = len(args) - len(func.func_defaults)
        for default in func.func_defaults:
                r = repr(default)
                r = '<repr-error>'
            if len(r) > 100:
                r = r[:100] + '...'

...repr is used to get the string with which to represent the
    default value, with due care for possible errors, and/or
    too-long representations, which get truncated to 100 chars
    (with an ellipsis ... to remind the reader they're truncated)

            arg = args[i]
            if arg[0] == '.':
                # anonymous arguments
                arg = '(...)'
            args[i] = '%s=%s' % (arg,r)
            i = i + 1

I don't know what "anonymous arguments" are -- I'm learning of their 
very existence by studying this code (talk about instructive!-)

    if code.co_flags & 0x0004: # CO_VARARGS
        callargs = callargs + 1
    if code.co_flags & 0x0008: # CO_VARKEYWORDS
        callargs = callargs + 1

As Lemburg notes in his comments, these constants are taken right from 
the Python compiler's include file.

    return '%s(%s)' % (fname,string.join(args,', '))

At last -- the nicely formatted result!

>>> func_sig(string.join)
"join(words, sep=' ')"

Just one caveat: this will not work for functions written in C! The 
"signature" is not available in this case by "introspection" in this 
way; to see the difference:

>>> import string
>>> import strop
>>> dir(string.join)
['__doc__', '__name__', 'func_code', 'func_defaults', 'func_doc',
'func_globals', 'func_name']
>>> dir(strop.join)
['__doc__', '__name__', '__self__']

i.e., the Python-written 'string.join' wrapper offers the various
func_code, etc, members upon which this introspection can be based; the 
bare-C 'strop.join' underlying level doesn't, so, no real introspection 
-- you have to rely on the __doc__:

>>> print strop.join.__doc__
join(list [,sep]) -> string
joinfields(list [,sep]) -> string

Return a string composed of the words in list, with intervening 
occurences of sep.  Sep defaults to a single space.

(join and joinfields are synonymous)

Not too bad, after all:-).

## Edited Entries ##############################################

Is there a Python MySQL module for use under Windows?
Fiona Czuczman, Gerhard Haering
Stefan Franke,Steve Cook

You will find a version of MySQLdb (version 0.2.1) compiled for Win32
at http://home.t-online.de/home/err666/MySQL/MySQLdb-0.2.1-windows.zip
It works fine for me connecting to MySQL 2.23/Win2k and
MySQL 2.22/Linux.

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