Embedding Python in Windows Applications

Gerson Kurz gerson.kurz at t-online.de
Sat Dec 30 13:34:17 EST 2000

If I embedd Python in a Win32 console application (using
Demo\embed.c), everything works fine. If I take the very same piece of
code and put it in a Win32 Windows application (not MFC, just a plain
WinMain()) I see no output (and more importantly so, no errors),
because the application does not have a stdout/stderr set up. 

I have made the following "hack" to make it work (in VisualStudio)

    // stdout, stderr as defined in the MSVCRT
    _iob[1] = *fopen("D:\\stdout.log","w");
    _iob[2] = _iob[1];

but that surely cannot be a longterm solution. I don't want the output
to be written to a temp file, I want to see it in a callback. Is that
possible, and if so, how ? 

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