Schwartzian Transform (was Re: Sort)

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Wed Dec 6 12:04:07 EST 2000

"Edward C. Jones" <edcjones at> wrote in message
news:3A2E5F2A.9E650D50 at
> Alex Martelli wrote:
> > Faster for sorting a large list is a "Schwartzian Transform" approach:
> >
> >     auxlist = [ (x[2], x) for x in thelist ]
> >     auxlist.sort()
> >     thelist = [ x[1] for x in auxlist ]
> What is a "Schwartzian transform"?

Exactly what I exemplify here (and you quote the example): to sort a
sequence X,

    a. generate an auxiliary sequence Y, exactly as
        long as X, each item Y[i] being a sequence of
        the sort fields computed from X[i] followed
        by X[i] itself

        a1. if a stable-sort is needed, be sure to
            insert i itself in Y[i], just before X[i]

    b. Y.sort()

    c. X = [ x[-1] for x in Y ]

where steps b and c could, I guess, also be expressed
in English, but it would be too cumbersome & verbose:-).

There are alternative, similar ideas.  For example, you
could have i at the end of Y[i] NOT followed by X[i],
then step c would become

    c. X = [ X[x[-1]] for x in Y ]

The technique is named after its inventor Randall
Schwartz, who thought it up in the context of Perl
(but it works even better in Python:-).  The key
idea is that, in scripting languages such as Perl
and Python, 'sort' slows down a lot if each of its
O(N log N) comparison involves interpreting script
code, rather than just the fast, built-in "lexical
comparison" that the language provides.

Hence, we'd dearly like to just call
rather than
    something.sort(lambda a, b: complex stuff
        involving a and b)
but how could an unadorned sort produce the order
we want...?

Answer: if the sortfields that are to be computed
or extracted from the original item X[i] were
*prepended* to it, appropriately.  Whence, pass a
of the Transform (pass c just 'undoes' that to get
the clean list right back).

Note that the possibly - complex transformations
yielding the sortkey are performed O(N) times, not
O(N log N) times.  Whence the speedup.

Example: perform a stable sort, case-independent,
over the first 20 characters of each line of the
838-lines README.txt file that comes with Python

Naive approach...:

def compare(a,b):
    keya = a[:20].lower()
    keyb = b[:20].lower()
    return cmp(keya, keyb)

import time

ldata = open("D:/Python20/README.txt").readlines()

lines = ldata[:]

start1 = time.clock()
stend1 = time.clock()

# oops, this ISN'T stable, is it...?  Pretty
# hard to make Python's sort stable _without_
# a Transform... "here I come to save the day":

tlins = ldata[:]
start2 = time.clock()
aulin = [ ( x[:20].lower(), i)
    for x, i in zip(tlins, range(len(tlins))) ]
tlins = [ x[-1] for x in aulin]
stend2 = time.clock()

print stend1-start1
print stend2-start2



Note how, even on this small dataset, the Transform
version is over 6 times faster (AND satisfies the
specs about the sort being stable, a nice plus:-).
An idiom WELL worth keeping in mind...


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