
Moshe Zadka moshez at zadka.site.co.il
Tue Dec 26 01:59:04 EST 2000

> How to I execute an external program without replacing the Python
> interpreter? I want control to return to Python when the external 
> program is completed. I still want stdio to go to the console not to a pipe 
> if possible.

[Moshe Zadka]
> Quite possibly, you'd want os.system, and os.popen.
> Or, you might want to work on a lower level with os.fork/os.exec/os.open.

[John W. Baxter]
> Or, moving to a higher level, there is the commands module, which wraps 
> those things mentioned above.  I tend to be lazy and use that.

And while we're on a higher level, the pipes module does deserve an
honourable measure.
Moshe Zadka <sig at zadka.site.co.il>
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