Basic MAPI

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Fri Dec 22 07:02:04 EST 2000

"Henrik MÃ¥rtensson" <henrik.martensson at> wrote in message
news:nEG06.1008$Qb7.95625 at
> Hi
> I'm trying to run a basic MAPI initialisation, but I get stuck with the
> dispatcher.
> >>> s=Dispatch("Mapi.Session")

There is no creatable coclass (that I ever heard of) with progId

> Below I have pasted the code I'm running. Is there something that you have
> to do
> to make the MAPI interface available to you? I'm not running this in a MS
> Exchange office environment.

You have to instantiate a coclass that will let you get at a
relevant MAPI object model.  The progId you will use will
depend on what MAPI-supplying product you want to use --
Exchange Server, Outlook, Eudora, Netscape, whatever.  With
Outlook, for example, the Session property of the Outlook
application object (which is a creatable coclass, with a
progId of 'Outlook.Application') might serve your needs.


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