missing HtmlBuilder

Alex Martelli aleaxit at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 19 09:05:24 EST 2000

<ennisr at my-deja.com> wrote in message news:91lsh8$9p7$1 at nnrp1.deja.com...
> I am a relative newbie to Python, using Python 2.0 under Windows.
> 4DOM from Fourthought, Inc. has also been installed.
> I have run into a problem trying to run the DOM examples from David
> Mertz article "Charming Python: The dynamics of DOM"
> (http://gnosis.cx/publish/programming/charming_python_2.txt).
> Modules referenced in the following import statements seem to be
> missing.
>     from xml.dom import core
>     from xml.dom.html_builder import HtmlBuilder
>     from xml.dom.utils import FileReader
> Do I have the wrong software loaded?  Where can I find the missing
> modules?

I think you need the PyXml stuff, e.g. from
probably in some older version.

4DOM may have equivalent or better functionality, but
I suspect it will not match what you read in that
online book, which appears to target older PyXml stuff.


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