Python: what all the hype is about?

Dale Strickland-Clark dale at
Wed Dec 6 12:59:09 EST 2000

aivkov at wrote:

>Dear all,
>Excuse my ingnorance in the subject area. Can someone explaing me very
>briefly, why one should choose Python over Java or is it better to
>compare it with Javascript/ECMA?
>I hope I am not trying to compare apples with oranges.
>Sent via
>Before you buy.

I haven't noticed much hype. Indeed, Python still seems like a pretty well kept secret to me.

Comparing languages is somewhat subjective unless you have a particular application in mind. Even
then, it's not really a science.

Your choice of language is dependent on a number of factors - in no particular order:

1. Suitability for the job
2. Knowledge of the language (the language you know is usually easier to code than one you don't)
3. Availability of tools (debuggers, source sharing, documenters)
4. Availability of support.

Python frequently scores well for 1 in Web/CGI, databases, middleware, file utilities, data
processing and analysis but not so well for GUI, 3D games.

For item 3, Python is, at best, average.
For 4, this group is a pretty reliable source of excellent information and help.

Someone will come along shortly and tell you the opposite, I'm sure.

Dale Strickland-Clark
Out-Think Ltd
Business Technology Consultants

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