Python 2.0 parser module bug(?) and a Q

Pearu Peterson pearu at
Wed Dec 27 15:27:46 EST 2000


I have found that parser module may have a bug in its functions tuple2ast
or suite.
This is illustrated in the following python session:

>>> import parser
>>> parser.tuple2ast((parser.suite('import sys,math')).totuple())
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
parser.ParserError: Expected node type 280, got 279.
>>> parser.tuple2ast((parser.suite('import sys\nimport math')).totuple())
<ast object at 0x810e978>

I am using Python 2.0.

And my question is (not really related to above):

  Is there inverse function for parser.suite? 

For example, if I create an ast object

	ast = parser.suite('x=5\ny=x+2')

then I'll transform it to tuple:

	t = ast.totuple()

so that I can analyze it, create a new ast-tuple `t2' from it, may be a
bit changed, but then using

	ast2 = parser.tuple2ast(t2)

I get another ast object. In order to view it, I would like to
transform it to a string but I could not find any method/function for

I would be satisfied if `t2' could be transformed to the corresponding
string. Has anyone implemented a function for that?


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