Smalltalk and Python

Quinn Dunkan quinn at
Thu Dec 14 15:29:58 EST 2000

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 13:25:51 +0100, Alex Martelli <aleaxit at> wrote:
>"Ian Wild" <ian at> wrote in message
>news:3A389B1A.4F33FFD4 at
>> Alex Martelli wrote:
>> >
>> > I can't find a source any more, but one of the most interesting
>> > arguments I've heard for "only inherit from abstract classes"
>> [...otherwise...]
>> > it would break the idea that your concrete
>> > classes partition the universe of discourse, if it were.
>> Where does this partitioning requirement come from?
>From the fact that an object 'is an instance' of one,
>and only one, class -- 'THE class' (singular) 'of the
>object'.  If an object 'belongs' to n>1 classes, in
>this framing, this is modeled by having the (inevitably
>singular) class 'of the object' _inherit_ from the
>said n>1 classes (i.e., 'belongs' is a weaker relationship
>than 'being an instance of').
>I am not aware of any OOA approaches in which is-instance-of
>(as here defined) isn't an exhaustive and many-to-one
>relationship between objects and (concrete) classes;
>in other words, OOA approaches which let some objects
>(in the universe-of-discourse that is being modeled)
>be an instance of 'no class', or of several classes
>at the same time.

Well, I'm not quite sure if it's what you're talking about (all this high
falutin' "OOA" stuff tends to zip by over my head), but perhaps haskell's
typeclass system is like this.  In haskell, a class describes an interface,
and any type that supplies that interface can function as an instance of that
class.  So:

data Rectangle = Rect Int Int
data Sailor = Sailor String
data Poodle = Poodle String

class Drawable t where
    draw :: t -> String
class Pirate t where 
    pirate_talk :: t -> String

instance Drawable Rectangle where
    draw (Rect x y) =
        "a rectangle with sides " ++ (show x) ++ " and " ++ (show y)

instance Drawable Sailor where
    draw (Sailor name) = "a sea-dog named " ++ name
instance Pirate Sailor where
    pirate_talk (Sailor name) = name ++ " growls, 'arr, matey!'"

So, a Rectangle is an instance of Drawable (so it will be accepted by any
function that wants a Drawable type), a sailor is an instance of both Drawable
and Pirate, and a Poodle not an instance of any class (so it will only be
accepted by functions that want a Poodle type).  No inheritance is involved.

Or maybe you're saying there is no developed method of analysis for this sort
of thing.  It would surprise me if there weren't, since they're a pretty
academic bunch over there in FP-land :)

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