problems with installer 20_3i

Pete Shinners pshinners at
Thu Dec 7 02:35:16 EST 2000

"Gordon McMillan" <gmcm at> wrote
> Nothing. Barry Scott just pointed out to me that the Python 2.0 imputil
> does not by default install any method of importing builtins (even though
> it installs, by default, a file system importer).
> Untested: at the top level of archive_rt (after the imports), put:
> sys.path.append(imputil.BuiltinImporter())

i've been trying to get this going with my own stuff.
i used the "" script to build my EXE. i made this change
to i'm no longer getting the problem with the 'time'
module, but having trouble using one of my extension modules.

"ImportError: no module named pygame.base"

i looked in the "Builder.log", and at the bottom, this module
is definitely getting put into the EXE...

Final Table of Contents for aliens.exe:
[('win32api', 'c:\\python\\win32\\win32api.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.key', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\key.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.cdrom', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\cdrom.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.surface', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\surface.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.display', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\display.pyd', 'b'),
 ('PyWinTypes20.dll', 'C:\\WIN\\SYSTEM\\PyWinTypes20.dll', 'b'),
 ('pygame.rect', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\rect.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.mixer', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\mixer.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.image', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\image.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.joystick', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\joystick.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.font', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\font.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.constants', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\constants.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.event', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\event.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.time', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\time.pyd', 'b'),
 ('pygame.base', 'c:\\python\\pygame\\base.pyd', 'b'),

this whole installer is still a 'black-art' to me, so it's tough
for me to figure out any problems.

in need of clues :]

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