Issues with the "McMillan" installer

Rodrigo Senra rodsenra at
Wed Dec 13 12:53:56 EST 2000

Timothy Docker wrote:
> I'm trying to get the "McMillan" installer working on an application
> that I have written, and am struggling with several problems.
> The application uses python-2.0, wxWindows, and omniORB.
> Any tips/pointers would be much appreciated.

I am NOT saying you should  give up on "McMillan" installer,
but if this path do not succeed in the end. What I did to
circunvent hairy cfg, was to use "McMillan" to isolate dependencies
in a single source-tree and then create an Installer script that
uses Inno (which is an scriptalbe InstallShield-like freeware).
This may be used as a last resort over Win platform. But if "McMillan" 
installer works for your cfg, than your all set ;o)

Rodrigo Senra         
Computer Engineer   (GPr Sistemas Ltda)  rodsenra at 
MSc Student of Reflection (IC- UNICAMP) Rodrigo.Senra at (see also

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