Newbie : Tk an data input

gregholmes at gregholmes at
Fri Dec 8 06:35:34 EST 2000

Well, I don't have time to write your code ;)

Basically you need to create Tkinter TextVariables, and tie them to
Text objects (using the variable attribute).  That way, when the user
changes the contents of the Text object, the value of the TextVariable
will update.

Then create buttons and bind callbacks to the buttons.  The functions
that the buttons call will retrieve the values of the TextVariables
(using .get() method of the TextVariables, not equality!).

I haven't used a Python database module besides DBM interface, but it
can't be too difficult.

Frederik Lundh's 'Introduction to Tkinter' explains these things well.
There is a free draft of it somewhere as a PDF.

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