A Suggestion for Python Colon Syntax

A.M. Kuchling amk at mira.erols.com
Sat Dec 23 09:17:25 EST 2000

Two errors in a timbot posting; time to dump him to disk and restart
from a fresh image, I think...

On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 22:57:50 -0500, Tim Peters <tim.one at home.com> wrote:
>indicate the imaginary part.  He couldn't care less, and they couldn't stop
>arguing about it.  They picked "i".  People complain about that a *lot* more

They picked "j", not "i".

>If you put them there, yes.  Happily, nobody does; for example, you won't
>find a semicolon at the end of any code stmt in any .py file in the standard
>distribution.  When conformity is voluntarily and universally achieved,
>there's no need to legislate it.

[amk at mira Lib]$ grep ';' shlex.py
        self.pushback = [];
        self.pushback = [tok] + self.pushback;
            nextchar = self.instream.read(1);
                self.token = '';        # past end of file

Been meaning to fix those...  Ooh, and there's one in multifile.py and
netrc.py, too.


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