Formatting a numerical string w/commas

Timothy Grant tjg at
Tue Feb 22 16:55:48 EST 2000

I've seen some traffic on this formatting numbers, and recently had to
format and deformat some number for a Tkinter app I was writing, so I
wrote to fairly generic functions for doing so.

This is the first time I've ever posted *real* code on the list so
please be gentle, but constructive criticism, especially about style, is
always welcome.

# Name: commanumber()
# Purpose:  To format a number with commas and possibly a
#           dollar sign.
# Arguments:    n  = the number to be converted
#               dp = number of decimal places (defaults to 2)
#               ds = dollar sign (1|0) (defaults to $)
def commanumber(n, dp=2, ds=1):
    if not n:
        return ''       # If None then bail out here
    if type(n) == type('x'):
        if n == '':
            return ''   # If an empty string then bail out here.
        n = string.atof(n)
    m = '%0.*f' % (dp, n)
    d = string.split(m, '.')    # Split at the decimal point
    r = list(d[0])
    # It looks ugly but it really isn't. A couple of really nice
    # make it work right. The first is list insertion, and the second is
    # division.
    # the insertion point is calculated based on the counter item, plus
the a left
    # shift for each ',' already inserted the ((x/3)-1)
    for x in range(3, len(r), 3):
        r[(x+((x/3)-1))*(-1):(x+((x/3)-1))*(-1)] = [',']
    if ds:
        s = '$'
        s = ''          # Rebuild the string from the list
    for i in r:
        s = s + i
    if len(d) == 2: # Check to see if we have a decimal portion to add
        return s + '.' + d[1]
        return s
# Name: stripfmt()
# Purpose:  Strip all formatting from a prettified number
# Arguments:    n = the number to strip
def stripfmt(n):
    n = string.replace(n, ',', '')  #remove commas
    n = string.replace(n, '$', '')  #remove dollar signs.
    return n

Stand Fast,

Chief Technology Officer              tjg at
Red Hat Certified Engineer  
Avalon Technology Group, Inc.                   (503) 246-3630
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