Formatting a numerical string w/commas

Berthold Höllmann bhoel at
Wed Feb 23 03:30:10 EST 2000

Timothy Grant <tjg at> writes:

> I've seen some traffic on this formatting numbers, and recently had to
> format and deformat some number for a Tkinter app I was writing, so I
> wrote to fairly generic functions for doing so.
> This is the first time I've ever posted *real* code on the list so
> please be gentle, but constructive criticism, especially about style, is
> always welcome.

Maybe you also like to take a look at my "". It is hidden
in my PyLaTeX module on starship
( It is primaly written to
print PhysicalUnits from Konrad Hinsens ScientificPython. Here's a
sample session (using german locale settings):

    >>> from Scientific.Physics import PhysicalQuantities
    >>> p = PhysicalQuantities.PhysicalQuantity
    >>> import UnitPrint
    >>> from UnitPrint import *
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(1)
    got: ->1<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(12)
    got: ->12<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(123)
    got: ->123<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(1234)
    got: ->1234<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(12345)
    got: ->12345<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(123456)
    got: ->123456<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(1234567)
    got: ->1234567<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(12345678)
    got: ->12345678<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(123456789)
    got: ->123456789<-
    >>> UnitPrint.thousand_sep = r"\,"
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(1234567890)
    got: ->1\,234\,567\,890<-
    >>> UnitPrint.thousand_sep = r""
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(1234567890,
    ...                                 {'thousand_sep': '-'})
    got: ->1-234-567-890<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(1.)
    got: ->1<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(12.)
    got: ->12<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(123.)
    got: ->123<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(1234.)
    got: ->1234<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(12345.)
    got: ->12345<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(123456.)
    got: ->123456<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(1234567.)
    got: ->1234567<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(12345678.)
    got: ->12345678<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(123456789.)
    got: ->123456789<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatInt(1234567890.)
    got: ->1234567890<-
    >>> value = 1234.567891234
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatFloat(value, 1)
    got: ->1234.6<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatFloat(value, format=2)
    got: ->1234.57<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatFloat(value, 3)
    got: ->1234.568<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatFloat(value, 4)
    got: ->1234.5679<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatFloat(value, 5)
    got: ->1234.56789<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatFloat(value, 6)
    got: ->1234.567891<-
    >>> UnitPrint.thousand_sep = r"\,"
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % UnitPrint.formatFloat(value, 7)
    got: ->1\,234.567\,891\,2<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatFloat(value, 7)
    got: ->1\,234.567\,891\,2<-
    >>> print "got: ->%s<-" % formatFloat(value, 8,
    ...                                   {'thousand_sep': '-',
    ...                                    'decimal_point': '#'})
    got: ->1-234#567-891-23<-
    >>> print generateUnitList(1)
    >>> print generateUnitList(p("1 m/m"))
    >>> print generateUnitList(1, formatInt)
    >>> print generateUnitList(1, formatFloat)
    >>> print generateUnitList(p("1m"))
    ('1.0', 'm')
    >>> print generateUnitList(p("1m/s"))
    ('1.0', 'm', 's')
    >>> print generateUnitList(p("1kg*m/s**2"))
    ('1.0', 'kgm', 's2')
    >>> print generateUnitList(1/p("1kg*m/s**2"))
    ('1.0', 's2', 'mkg')
    >>> print generateUnitList(p(1, "1/kg/m/s**2"))
    ('1.0', '1', 'kgms2')
    >>> print generateUnitList(p("1m"), formatInt)
    ('1', 'm')
    >>> print generateUnitList(p("1m"), formatFloat, 2)
    ('1.00', 'm')
    >>> print generateUnitList(p("1m"), formatFloat, 3)
    ('1.000', 'm')
    >>> print generateUnitList(p("12345.678901m"), formatFloat, 5)
    ('12\\,345.678\\,90', 'm')
    >>> print generateUnitList(p("1m/s"), formatInt)
    ('1', 'm', 's')
    >>> print generateUnitList(p("1kg*m/s**2"), formatInt)
    ('1', 'kgm', 's2')
    >>> print generateUnitList(1/p("1kg*m/s**2"), formatInt)
    ('1', 's2', 'mkg')
    >>> print generateUnitList(p(1, "1/kg/m/s**2"), formatInt)
    ('1', '1', 'kgms2')
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(1)
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(1, formatInt)
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(1, formatFloat)
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p("1m"))
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p("1m/s"))
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p("1kg*m/s**2"))
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(1/p("1kg*m/s**2"))
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p(1, "1/kg/m/s**2"))
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p("1m"), formatInt)
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p("1m"), formatFloat, 2)
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p("1m"), formatFloat, 3)
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p("12345.6789012m"), formatFloat, 5)
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p("1m/s"), formatInt)
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p("1kg*m/s**2"), formatInt)
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(1/p("1kg*m/s**2"), formatInt)
    >>> print LaTeXGenerateUnit(p(1, "1/kg/m/s**2"), formatInt)

(this is the test session from UnitPrint).


bhoel at /
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