Which GUI?

Kevin Dahlhausen morse at harborcom.net
Wed Feb 23 08:25:34 EST 2000

ndev42 at yahoo.com wrote:

>Is there any GUI toolkit that supports the following
>- As portable as Python.
>- Does not need ANY extra library to compile, i.e. knows
>  how to talk to the underlying windowing library underneath,
>  whether it is X11, Motif, Windows or Mac.
>- Clean design, if possible OO.
>- Easy to use, to learn, and well-documented.
>- Free software license.
>- Offers the standard widget toolkit plus some fancy stuff
>  like grids or plots.

Fast-Light Toolkit meets these.  As pointed out, the wrapper doesn't allow you
to subclass arbritary widgets yet.  The grid widget is an add-on, and the
wrapper for it is started but not complete.   The Python wrappers are over on:


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