Best way to find unique items in a list

David Fisher aiki108 at
Thu Feb 24 05:51:56 EST 2000

Here's a quickie.

Def Unique(thelist):
	uniquedict = {}
	for i in thelist:
		uniquedict[i] = 0
	return uniquedict.keys()

Whether it's any faster i don't know.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 2/24/00, 4:31:32 AM, "maxm" <maxm at> wrote regarding Best way 
to find unique items in a list:

> I have written the following snippet to return a list of unique items 
> another list. I just wondered if there was a smarter/faster way of 
doing it?

> Anyone for a little brain gym?

> ------------------------------------------

> def Unique(theList):
>     uniqueList = []
>     OldValue = ''
>     theList.sort()
>     for value in theList:
>         if OldValue != value:
>             uniqueList.append(value)
>         OldValue = value
>     return uniqueList

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