breaking the ; habit

phil hunt philh at
Mon Feb 14 12:43:06 EST 2000

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000 13:49:46 +0100 (MET), 
Mikael Olofsson <mikael at> wrote:
>On 12-Feb-00 osorronophris osorronophris wrote:
> >  I'm a die-hard C++ programmer that recently took up Python for a change of
> >  scenery and am enjoying it greatly.  The one problem I am having is that I
> >  can't break myself of the semicolon habit.  I've tried chewing gum but it
> >  just doesn't seem to work, and I'd like to avoid the patch.  Any ideas?
>Assuming you have a programmable editor, set it to quit if you ever 
>type ;. 
>I once knew a guy who were used to UNIX. One summer he had to live in 
>a DOS-environment, and he hated every minute of it. What he hated even 
>more was when he got back to his UNIX home, and found himself typing 
>dir all the time. OK, what did he do? He made an alias, of course. No, 
>he didn't make dir mean ls, he had it mean logout. Now you guess: How 
>fast did he break his habit? Fast, real fast, mind my words.
>Good luck!

Alternately, if you have some spare electronics lying around, you could
program it to give your genitals an electric shock whenever you press ;.

***** Phil Hunt ***** send email to phil at *****
Moore's Law: hardware speed doubles every 18 months
Gates' Law: software speed halves every 18 months 

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