Execfile() - bug / strange behavior

Amit Patel amitp at Xenon.Stanford.EDU
Thu Feb 3 22:04:20 EST 2000

I'm trying to understand why execfile(fn) is different from exec
open(fn,'r').read().  Here's my program:

def timbot():
    a = 3
    print a
    print locals()


Then I have 1.txt:

a = 5
b = 8

When I run this, I expect to see a is 5, but I get:

{'b': 8, 'a': 3}

I don't understand why variable a is not set, but b is!  Even
stranger, when I try to print b from timbot(), it gives me NameError,
even though it's in locals()!

When I change execfile("1.txt") to exec open("1.txt",'r').read(), it
works just fine!

This seems to be different from any recent execfile bugs I can find on
Deja, but it sounds like it could be the the same as a bug reported in
**1996** (egads! Was Tim even a bot back then? Did we even have 1.5?):


Any ideas?  Either why it's still a bug or what I'm doing wrong or why
the documentation is misleading ..?

    - Amit

[In case anyone is wondering, this is Python 1.5.2 for Linux, from RH 6.1]

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