Which GUI?

Gerrit Holl gerrit.holl at pobox.com
Wed Feb 23 10:18:39 EST 2000

<quote name="Vetle Roeim" date="951312575">
> on 2000-02-23, Gerrit Holl wrote:
> > <quote name="Vetle Roeim" date="951257141">
> > > * Gerrit Holl
> > > > * Tkinter is built on Tcl/Tk, but because the bridge between
> > > >   Tkinter and Tcl/Tk is too large, Tkinter needs to provide their
> > > >   own documentation and advantages.
> > > 
> > > It has already been mentioned in another posting that Tkinter in fact
> > > does *not* depend on Tcl. (It was Fredrik Lundh in
> > > <url:news:Lies4.194$y3.183710720 at newsb.telia.net> ).
> > 
> > Even worse.
> > Tkinter needs to provide their own documentation 
> this is actually wrong. I use the Tcl/Tk documentation all the time when
> I'm using Tkinter. no problem.

I *do* have had problems with this. Please type "man canvas" and search
for 'create'. There's not straight way to find out the Python way without
either reading the source or reading the documentation by the effbot.

> > and advantages, while wxWindows or QT already has lots of
> > documentation, that not need to be copied into wxPython and PyQT. 
> wxPython and pyQt are not as portable as Tkinter.

Please give an example!

> > I repeat:
> >
> >     Tkinter reinvents the wheel.
> >     WxPython uses existing code.
> > 
> > Tell me, what's more OO?
> Tkinter does NOT reinvent the wheel. I can't understand where this comes
> from.

It provides their own classes. These classes are invented by Tkinter, they
do not exist in Tcl/Tk. And the methods don't even *match* with Tcl functions!


Comparison Python GUI's: http://www.nl.linux.org/~gerrit/gui.html
Please comment!

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