(no subject)

Pedro Silva psilva at ruido-visual.pt
Mon Feb 14 07:05:57 EST 2000


I have some External Method with this code:

    def subobj_fs(self,obj):
        import os,os.path
        lst = os.listdir("/var/spool/news/articles/obj") %(obj)
        x = len(lst)
        return lst

In my dtml Method, Zope, I call this function like this:

   <dtml-var subobj_fs(products)>

Then this would call the function in the External Method and list the
directories in var/spool/news/articles/products.

Is this like this?

I already tryed to execute this and it gave me and error, Key error.
I've saw it already, but I can't figure where is the error.

Can anyone help me?

Please, send your answers to: psilva at ruido-visual.pt


Pedro Silva

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