Haskell or Python!

Jason Stokes jstok at bluedog.apana.org.au
Thu Feb 3 06:20:59 EST 2000

Sunil Hadap wrote in message <38994478.72056B85 at cui.unige.ch>...

>I am confused which is better language for the purpose. Here are more
>specific questions
>- Can Haskell be used as interpreted language so that the animator
>  can code interactively in the animation software

Yes.  There's an implementation called "HUGS" which is interpreted.

>- Is Haskell matured to provide good support to libraries such as I/O
>  GUI, network like Python

Haskell does have a socket and a GUI library, but they're very limited.
Haskell is very weak on library support.  Haskell is especially weak on IO,
being a pure functional language.  Haskell is designed mainly to be of
interest in the language research community.

>- Can I use traditional OO concepts in Haskell though it is Functional

Yes.  Haskell is fully object oriented.

>- Is it dynamically typed. I mean can I get full information of type
>  its constituents (members) dynamically.

No.  Haskell is a statically typed language with no introspective features.

>- Is it a good idea to mix Python and Haskell

It's certainly possible.  For example: implement the hardcore numerical
stuff in Haskell, and the GUI stuff in Python.  Both have COM bindings and C
language interfaces, so could be persuaded to talk to each other.

If functional programming is your thing, impure functional languages like
Lisp or Erlang or Clean are real options. However much I like Haskell's
design I can't see it being useful for general purpose development.

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