Circular references and python

Robin Becker robin at
Thu Feb 3 05:33:15 EST 2000

In article <slrn89i1o5.lql.thantos at brimstone.mecha>, Alexander Williams
<thantos at> writes
>On Wed, 02 Feb 2000 20:22:04 -0800, James Logajan <JamesL at Lugoj.Com>
>>The vast majority of code (and programming languages) in the world require
>>explicit memory de-allocation. I don't believe that a GC scheme has yet been
>>invented that will work well for all problem domains. I'm sure if it had,
>>we'd all be using it by now. ;)
>Once upon a time, the vast majority of programming languages used
>explicit register allocation at the Assembly level, but then C was
>introduced.  Strangely, however, it was not /immediately/ taken up as
>the Holy Grail, it took time to insiduously spread.
Well I used Algol60, 68, Fortran II, IV, Basic before C was invented in
1972. I don't remember having to take care of the registers. I'm
probably senile though :)

I used Pascal soon after it came out, I don't know if that was before C.

Certainly CPL, B & BCPL were used/known by the early Unixers (Thompson,
Ritchie, McIlroy kernighan et al.) and these preceded C. None of these
languages required explicit register allocation. 
Robin Becker

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