Which GUI?

Moshe Zadka moshez at math.huji.ac.il
Fri Feb 18 15:06:52 EST 2000

On 18 Feb 2000, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Feb 2000 07:25:05 +0200 (IST), Moshe Zadka <moshez at math.huji.ac.il> wrote:
> >hour. I couldn't get wxWindows (the basis for wxPython) to compile on that
> >C++ compiler for 2 weeks. 
>  Hello,
>  you may be surprized to hear this, but wxWindows is developped by a team of
> volunteers 

And those volunteers get my full appreciation. The ones who *don't* get my
appreciation, however, is those claiming that wxWindows is as portable as
Tcl/Tk. It isn't. It's a fine product, but it isn't portable enough for my
needs. And I should have said AIX/Visual Age C++, but AIX/g++ also gave me 
some problems with wxWindows.

>  If you have troubles compiling wxWin, one of wxWindows mailing lists is the
> right place to report problems to - did you do it? 

In fact, yes. And the volunteers were very responsive, and helpful. But it
still didn't solve my problems, which are, I admit peculiar. However,
Tkinter's ability to compile on my peculiar platforms sure helped me. 

Please note that I'm not against wxWindows. I'm only against it being the
standard GUI for Python.

And again, my thanks to all the volunteers who helped me out with
wxWindows. It is a great community, and I might have another chance to try
it. But I'm afraid, at the moment, I'm left with the impression that
staking Python's GUI on wxWindows is a dangerous bet.

Moshe Zadka <mzadka at geocities.com>. 
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