Searching binary data

Darrell darrell at
Wed Feb 2 23:19:55 EST 2000

From: "Tim Peters"
> Actually, that works fine (if it didn't, what you just told us you did is
> not what you actually did).  You can't pass a pattern with an actual null
> re (minor flaw of the implementation, IMO), but the raw string
> r"[\000-\077]" doesn't contain an actual null:  it contains the
> escape sequence "\000", which re converts to a null.

Must confess I didn't use a raw string even though I said I did :|

I assumed that it wasn't seeing the octal anymore after looking at this.
 >>> r'[\000-\377]'

> Hex escapes work fine too:  r"[\x00-\x3f]" means the same as the above.
I was hoping to see a dump in hex format.

Talked my self into to much work today.

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