Where is Imaging.h?

Moshe Zadka moshez at math.huji.ac.il
Thu Feb 17 14:03:39 EST 2000

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:

> Bernhard Herzog writes:
>  > I think this is a good opportunity to suggest that extension modules
>  > that users may want to access at the C-level install the relevant header
>  > files somewhere under Python's standard include directory. I propose to
>  > put them into an "extensions" subdirectory.
>   I think this would be a good idea.  There are actually two Python
> include directories, one for $prefix and one for $exec_prefix;
> extensions would have to "do the right thing" here.
>   Greg Ward, I presume you've already thought of this and distutils
> supports it?  ;-)

Well, Fred, that is harder then you think. (It shows that you're using
Solaris at CNRI). Consider a regular Linux Python user. He installed
Python from the .deb (well, okay, I didn't mean regular regular, but the 
same argument goes for .rpm), so it is in /usr/bin/python. But when he
installs, say, PIL from the sources, he wants it in /usr/local/lib/...

That is, don't confuse the directory Python was installed in and the
directory the users want to install new sparkling Python modules in.

always-a-stick-in-the-wheels-of-progress-ly y'rs, Z.
Moshe Zadka <mzadka at geocities.com>. 
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