BSDDB copyright and licensing restrictions while in use via Python

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Mon Feb 14 13:42:32 EST 2000

Warren Postma writes:

> The problem I have with MetaKit is that it's essentially C++ only. (Unless I
> goofed and it really is useable from a C API also). My application is in
> straight C because I need a very tiny memory footprint.   C+Python gives me
> the most bang per kilobyte, and I'm not considering C++ right now.

MetaKit has no C API, but Mk4py is the Python interface, and 
it is usable from C.
> For those who are already working in C++ and Python, I would recommend
> MetaKit highly.  It appears
> to be at an early stage of use and adoption, but it appear stable and well
> written from the playing around I've done.
> If it's possible to build a straight C wrapper around the C++ version of
> Python, and MetaKit doesn't require the C++ Runtime Libraries, or the
> IOStreams or C++ Strings template classes, then I could use MetaKit.

While you can use STL by defining q4_STD, that's not the 
default. It does use exceptions. No templates (unless STL), 
no IOStreams, no need to compile python in C++.

- Gordon

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