msvcrt, open_osfhandle, locking

qwe rbaklundNOrbSPAM at
Wed Feb 23 05:34:27 EST 2000

In article <68Hs4.1435$LX4.4374 at news->, "Mark Hammond"
<mhammond at> wrote:
>Oops - meant "locking function in msvcrt module"

Hmmm. Do you have an example? I can't get it to work.

The documentation says: "locking (fd, mode, nbytes)
Lock part of a file based on a file descriptor from the C
runtime. Raises IOError on failure. "
and for open_osfhandle: "open_osfhandle (handle, flags)
Create a C runtime file descriptor from the file handle handle."

It seems to me that open_osfhandle() is used to get a file
descriptor based on a file handle, and the locking() function
needs this file descriptor?

When I try to use the locking() function on a file handle
returned by open, I still get "TypeError: illegal argument
type...", but if I use dummy data (locking(1,1,1)) in stead of
the file handle, I get "IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor",
so I asume you are right about the handle...

What do I use for 'mode' in the locking() function?

And what do I use for 'nbytes' if I want to lock the entire
file? The filesize?


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